:mod:`lf.win.shell.recyclebin` --- Recycle bin (INFO2) ====================================================== .. module:: lf.win.shell.recyclebin :synopsis: Recycle bin files (INFO2) .. moduleauthor:: Michael Murr This module contains code to work with INFO2 files (found in the Recycle bin directory). Classes ------- .. class:: INFO2(stream, offset=None) Represents an INFO2 file. :type stream: :class:`~lf.dec.IStream`. :param stream: A stream that contains the INFO2 file. :type offset: ``int`` :param offset: The start of the INFO2 file in :attr:`stream`. .. attribute:: header An instance of a :class:`INFO2Header`. .. attribute:: items A list of :class:`INFO2Item` objects. .. class:: INFO2Header Represents the header from an INFO2 file. .. attribute:: version The version of the INFO2 file. .. attribute:: item_size The size of an :class:`INFO2Item`. .. attribute:: unknown1 The first unknown value (bytes 4-7) .. attribute:: unknown2 The second unknown value (bytes 8-11) .. attribute:: unknown3 The third unknown value (bytes 16-19) .. class:: INFO2Item Represents an item in an INFO2 file. .. attribute:: name_asc The name of the deleted file (ASCII). .. attribute:: id The numeric identifier of the deleted file. Sometimes called the index number. .. attribute:: drive_num The drive number the file was deleted from. .. attribute:: dtime The time the file was deleted. .. attribute:: file_size The size of the deleted file. .. attribute:: name_uni The name of the deleted file (unicode), or ``None`` if not present. .. attribute:: exists ``True`` if the corresponding file exists on disk. .. classmethod:: from_ctype(ctype) Creates a :class:`INFO2Item` object from a ctype. :type ctype: :class:`~lf.win.shell.recyclebin.ctypes.info2_item` :param ctype: An info2_item object. :rtype: :class:`INFO2Item` :returns: The corresponding :class:`INFO2Item` object.