:mod:`lf.win.shell.objects` --- Objects for Windows shell artifacts =================================================================== .. module:: lf.win.shell.objects :synopsis: Objects for Windows shell artifacts .. moduleauthor:: Michael Murr This module provides support for common Windows shell artifacts. .. class:: SHITEMID Represents a SHITEMID structure. .. attribute:: size The size of the SHITEMID structure. (calculated) .. attribute:: cb The count of bytes of the structure. (extracted) .. attribute:: abID An application defined BLOB of data. .. attribute:: id An alias for the :attr:`abID` attribute. .. classmethod:: from_stream(stream, offset=None) Creates a :class:`SHITEMID` from a stream. :type stream: :class:`lf.dec.IStream` :param stream: A stream that contains the structure. :type offset: ``int`` :param offset: The start of the structure in :attr:`stream` :rtype: :class:`SHITEMID` :returns: The corresponding :class:`SHITEMID` object. .. class:: ITEMIDLIST Represents an ITEMIDLIST structure. .. attribute:: mkid A list of :class:`SHITEMID` structures. .. classmethod:: from_stream(stream, offset=None, max_bytes=None) Creates an :class:`ITEMIDLIST` from a stream. :type stream: :class:`lf.dec.IStream` :param stream: A stream that contains the structure. :type offset: ``int`` :param offset: The start of the structure in :attr:`stream` :type max_bytes: ``int`` :param max_bytes: The maximum number of bytes to read from the stream. If this is ``None`` then it is ignored. :rtype: :class:`ITEMIDLIST` :returns: The corresponding :class:`ITEMIDLIST` object.